- Friday, Dec. 15th: Reindeer Lane Gift Shop (our classes will attend at 8:30 am on this day)
- Tues. Dec. 19th: Christmas Breakfast, 8:30am. Please send assigned items.
- Wed. Dec. 20th: End of the 2nd 9 weeks
- Wed. Dec. 20 - Mon. Jan. 8: Christmas Break
- If you've not yet dowloaded the app and signed up for ClassDojo yet, please do so ASAP! Your child should have brought home his/her class code the first week of school. Please let me know if yours has been misplaced. This app will keep you up to date on your child's behavior at school, as well as allow me to send out messages and class updates.
- Sign up for Notify Me via the DPES website
- Follow the DPES Facebook page for announcements and updates
- Consider completing a parent survey HERE
SCHOLASTIC BOOKS - Long onto the Scholastic book club website by clicking below. I encourage you to check out the books and possibly offer to purchase one for your child as a reward, incentive, etc. These are great, quality books at a terrific price! To order, simply click HERE.
- Skill: Text Features/REVIEW
- Strategy: REVIEW
- Vocabulary Skill: REVIEW
- Vocabulary Words:
- Grammar Skill: REVIEW
- Spelling Skill: REVIEW
- Spelling Words:
- Writing: REVIEW
- Monday:
- Tuesday:
- Wednesday:
- Thursday:
- Friday: Tests Today:
- Dec. 8th: School Spelling Bee
- Tues. Dec. 19th: Christmas Party - more information will be sent home.
- Wed. Dec. 20th: End of the 2nd 9 weeks
- If you've not yet dowloaded the app and signed up for ClassDojo yet, please do so ASAP! Your child should have brought home his/her class code the first week of school. Please let me know if yours has been misplaced. This app will keep you up to date on your child's behavior at school, as well as allow me to send out messages and class updates.
- Sign up for Notify Me via the DPES website
- Follow the DPES Facebook page for announcements and updates
- Consider completing a parent survey HERE
SCHOLASTIC BOOKS - Long onto the Scholastic book club website by clicking below. I encourage you to check out the books and possibly offer to purchase one for your child as a reward, incentive, etc. These are great, quality books at a terrific price! To order, simply click HERE.
- Skill: Graphic Sources
- Strategy: Text Structure
- Vocabulary Skill: glossary/dictionary
- Vocabulary Words: dim, gas, gignatic, ladle, patterns, shine, temperature
- Grammar Skill: Subject/Verb Agreement
- Spelling Skill: Spellings of /j/, /k/, /s/ sounds
- Spelling Words: uclock, large, page, mark, kitten, judge, crack, edge, pocket, brake, change, ridge, jacket, badge, orange, ceiling, advantage, pledge, Kentucky, pencil
- Writing: Narratives
- Monday: Spelling homework assigned
- Tuesday: Complete grammar pg. 49 (if not completed in class)
- Wednesday: Complete grammar pg. 50 (if not completed in class), study for vocabulary quiz
- Thursday: Study for DLR 16 Quiz, study spelling
- Tests Today: Subject Verb Agreement Test, Vocabulary Quiz
- Friday: Tests Today: Spelling Test, DLR 16 Quiz