- Thursday, January 26th: Class Pictures
- Friday, January 27th: ALL BOXTOPS DUE!!!
- Visitors: if you visit for lunch, please sit at the assigned visitor tables and with your child only. Thank you!
- BOXTOPS: PLEASE collect and send in all your Boxtops! This is the easiest way to earn money for our classroom!!!
- and THANK YOU to all who turned in Boxtops for the fall collection! I appreciate it more than you know!
- ~BrainPop Jr.- Students may now access BrainpopJr from home! Username:dpes123, password: eagles This is a great resource to review skills that have been previously taught at school, and the kids LOVE IT!!!
- ~Scholastic Book Orders- (Thank you to those who've ordered!)Shop Online: www.scholastic.com/readingclubOne-Time Class Activation Code: L7VRY
- VISIT scholastic.com/readingclub
- ENTER the Class Activation Code (L7VRY)
- SHOP from a carefully curated selection of the best books, value packs, and Storia eBooks
- SUBMIT your order and earn FREE Books for our classroom
All book orders will be shipped to our classroom so we can celebrate the joy of reading together!
The more books YOU order, the more reward points our class earns to purchase new books for the classroom library. It's a win for all! :-)
- Skill: Review: Drawing Conclusions, Character/Setting/Plot, Graphic Sources, Generalize, Cause and Effect
- Strategy: Review: Inferring, Text Structure, Predict and Set a Purpose
- Vocabulary Skill: Review: Homophones, Unknown Words, Unfamiliar Words, Prefixes and Suffixes
- Vocabulary Words: NONE! :-)
- Grammar Skill: Review: Action and Linking Verbs, Main and Helping Verbs, Subject Verb Agreement, Past/Present/Future Tenses, Irregular Verbs
- Spelling Skill: Review: Syllables vc/v and v/vc, syllable –le, compound words, blends spl, thr, squ, str, and Consonant Digraphs /sh/, /th/, /tch/, /ph/, /ch/, /ng/
- Spelling Words: NONE! :-)
- Writing: Narratives, paragraph structure
- Monday:
- Tuesday:
- Wednesday:
- Thursday:
- Tests Today: UNIT 3 TEST, Study for DLR 20 Quiz
- Friday:
- Tests Today: UNIT 3 TEST, DLR 20 Quiz
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